Archive for Work/Life Balance

Lessons in Leadership

Do you aspire to a leadership role within your organization, but the climb up the ladder seems insurmountable?  Start with small steps!  Leadership doesn’t happen all of a sudden at the top rung.  Developing leadership style, skills and tactics begins on the ground floor.  Let’s explore how to lay a game plan that builds to successful leadership.

A high profile title is not a prerequisite for being a leader.  You can be a leader whether you are in an entry level job or somewhere in middle management.  The best place to begin is to master your job responsibilities and execute them with excellence and authority.  Executing with authority should show mastery of your skills, and does not refer to upper-handed or arrogant authority.  Consistently executing your job deliverables with excellence (and without drama or martyrdom) will demonstrate your ability to drive projects and business forward, which is a true hallmark of a leader.  In tandem, scrutinize your work process and how it flows into your organization and aim to identify ways to implement change improvements.  A combined, continued effort in delivering with excellence and aiming to refine processes will self-promote you as a leader within your group, no matter its size.

Look for opportunities to lead outside of work.  This minimizes risk as you are developing your leadership muscle.  Search for volunteer or mentoring opportunities that relate to your career path.  Investing time and talent in this way will both hone your professional skills, and build your experience base with credible examples that will translate into your work life.  For example, serving on a marketing committee for a non-profit organization, and helping to build their mission statement and guide the development of marketing execution tactics would be an impressive story to share during an interview for a promotion level position.  Likewise, mentoring a young college student or recent grad in your area of expertise would position you as a developer of others.

Reframe leadership.  Are you currently in a leadership role with subordinates (employees?) who are intimidated by or reluctant to receive authority?   If so, shift try shifting focus from telling and directing to being a solution finder.  Problems and challenges, which need fixing and resolution surface constantly in an organization – that’s why it’s called work!  Instead of calling out the problems as belonging to someone, or as an evil that needs to be dispelled, start with a discussion about the solution instead.  Or, again, if you’re not in a leadership role, you can still be a leader in this area.  The blame game rarely has a winner. In your current work drive, or that of your teams, look at the overall project and find areas or people that need assistance and offer solutions instead of pointing the finger.  Everyone wins with this approach, and it will shine a leadership spotlight on you in the process.

Determine what your leadership stance will be on important issues.  That way you can be ready to troubleshoot potential problems as they arise.  Some key business areas where it’s important to have a developed leadership stance include: finance and budget; human resources; infrastructure and hardware; organization changes; communication protocols; and project development and timelines.  Depending on your line of work, your company may have additional important areas which merit a leadership stance.

The first approach to developing a leadership stance in these areas is to understand and align to your company or organization vision and mission, which will often provide a sound framework to build upon.  In the absence of a specific vision or mission, your company may have stated principles, guidelines or a history that can shape your stance.

Once you’ve studied and fully understand your organization’s outlook and drive in the aforementioned areas, use them to develop your leadership stance in the important business areas surrounding your work.  To demonstrate, if your company values diversity and inclusion as a principle, it is a necessary part of any hiring process.  For example, a human resource leadership stance would favor interviewing all possible candidates regardless of ethnicity or sexual orientation, and would exclude favoritism such as nepotism or the ‘good ole boy’ system.

Lead with both a commanding and collaborative style.  This requires a fine balance between speaking with authority and confidence, yet at the same time being inclusive and making a concerted effort to engage all people in your work process or project.

Leading with a commanding presence and style includes speaking with confidence, and without apologizing, or asking for permission to speak.  Speaking with confidence also means waiting for the right moment, and to speak with an authority that doesn’t intimidate.  Aim for a communication style that inspires and provides a cohesiveness that encourages active participation and a feeling of ‘we are all in this together’.

Inspiring communication invites collaboration.  Likewise being inclusive by asking others their opinion or to help brainstorm a solution builds collaboration within a group.  Further, you can encourage people to collaborate by sharing a past example of success and asking for input from the responsible individual.  For example, if building out a project timeline, highlighting Jane’s successful management and delivery of a global marketing program, and then asking her to share her strategies with the group both encourages Jane and prompts collaboration with the group.

Without a doubt, leadership has its challenges and rewards.  If you would like more guidance in these or other areas of leadership in your organization, please give me a call today to start an exploratory conversation of how we can work together to your success.

©Copyright 2015.  Kay Fittes.  All Rights Reserved.

Boost Your Professional Edge with Exercise

So often, when we think of professional improvement, things like earning a new degree, learning a new skill, taking a class, or attending networking events or workshops come to mind.  While these are all excellent choices, it’s easy to overlook our personal health and well-being as a way to gain a competitive edge in the workplace.  A healthy lifestyle routine of exercise can greatly improve energy, focus and mental sharpness on a daily basis.


The Brain Benefits

We all know that exercise helps with maintaining body weight, and improves muscle and heart strength.  But, did you also know that exercise actually improves your thinking skills?  There is direct scientific evidence.  In people who exercise regularly, studies have shown that the parts of the brain that control thinking and memory are greater in size than in people who don’t exercise.1  Exercise also contributes to the growth of new blood vessels in the brain, as well as new brain cells.

In fact, according to Dr. Scott McGinnis, neurology instructor at Harvard Medical School, “We know that exercise behaves like medicine to improve thinking skills.”  An improvement in thinking skills.  Imagine that!  The payout for exercise is a more efficient brain, thus upping your game and gaining a competitive edge.  This easily equates to higher productivity at work, as well as more room to think strategically or creatively.

Research at Harvard Medical School also has proven that a reduction of insulin resistance and inflammation directly correlate with exercise.1  Reducing insulin resistance staves off diabetes, while a reduction in inflammation takes care of muscle and joint aches and pains, as well as headaches and many other maladies.  Additional benefits of exercise include a (sometimes instant) reduction of stress and anxiety.  How wonderful is that?  Further, exercise contributes to improvements in mood and the ability to sleep.  One additional bonus is that exercise builds up calcium in your bones, which is a great advantage for women in the 50 plus age bracket.


Fitting it In

It’s easy to talk about and understand the benefits of exercise.  But, maybe it’s been a while since you put on your running shoes, hit the gym, or attended a fitness class.  Getting going can be the toughest part.  This is especially true with busy schedules that start early, end late and can often include kids’ activities in between.

The truth is however, we will make time for what is most important to us.  Think of all the ways you spend your time throughout the day.  Could you find time in your morning routine to take a walk, exercise at home with a fitness DVD, or take a 5:30AM yoga class?  If mornings are too hectic, how about a walk after eating lunch?  If your workplace has a fitness facility, think creatively about how you could take advantage of it before, during or after work.

After a long day, does surfing the internet, being on social media, or sitting down to watch Netflix round out your day?  There is room in there for an evening walk, or a quick workout, if it’s a priority.  Even starting with a 10 minute walk or exercise routine is better than sitting.  You can work your way up to 30 minutes or more over time as your stamina increases.  Creative ways to fit it in exist if you make it a top five on your to do list.  Over the years, I have built up an in-home gym where I get in a cardio workout on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, alternating with strength training on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.  Not every week is perfect, especially when unexpected things come my way, but this is the schedule I’ve committed to for years.


Make the Change

Just getting started is the key, and often the biggest challenge you will face.  It’s so easy to stay rooted in our comfortable, familiar routines.  Change can be challenging.  It may feel like you can never get to a point where exercise is a regular part of your life.  However, I challenge you to think of your accomplishments to date.  Our best achievements happen over time, with planning, hard work and dedication.  Those are the same elements needed to begin a meaningful fitness routine.

Need some motivation?  Try a leading task that will draw you into physical activity.  Is running or walking your way to ease back into fitness?  Take a visit to a shoe store that specializes in fitness shoes.  The specialized attention and fit you’ll receive is heads above department stores.  A comfortable and fashionable new shoe investment will be a great companion as you hit the pavement again.  Or, perhaps yoga is your thing.  A new yoga mat or DVD can help get you going on your journey.  If strength training is your preferred fitness choice, some new workout clothes and a pair of weight gloves might be just the ticket to help get you going.

What will you commit to do?  Walk 10 minutes, exercise for 15, or go to a beginner fitness class?  Even once a week is a great place to start.  If going it alone seems insurmountable, find an exercise partner.  Accountability can help enormously in this area.  Getting to bed earlier and waking earlier is also a great strategy.  I have a client who went to bed a little earlier each night over a period of weeks, with the goal of waking early to attend a 5:00AM boot camp.  The commitment has empowered her not only in her time management, but in the benefits she receives from regular exercise.  Her days at work after exercise are by far her most productive and enjoyable.

Remember, little steps made each day lead us on the path to the goal we are trying to reach.  Take that first step today toward a healthier lifestyle that contributes to a competitive edge at work.  You’ll not only feel and look better, you’ll work smarter too!

1Harvard Health Letter, May, 2014

©Copyright 2015.  Kay Fittes.  All Rights Reserved.

Opting in? Opting out? Have a plan!

Perhaps you saw the recent segment on the Today Show where host Matt Lauer interviewed Lisa Belkin, author of “The Opt-Out Revolution,” and several women who, ten years ago, did just that.  These women chose to put their careers on hold to raise their children and they are now attempting to re-enter the workforce.  While none of these mothers regrets her decision to leave her job – and all three women interviewed attest to just how much work it is be a parent! – they encourage women who might be considering making the choice to stay home now to have a plan.

So whether you’re in their shoes and attempting to “opt back in” or you’re a young woman who has some tough choices ahead of her, I would encourage you to think about adding a few things to your plan.

  1. Keep up with your workplace connections. You will need them when you go back , and you’ll want the adult conversation when you’re home alone with children!
  2. Continue to participate in professional associations where you have high profile volunteer responsibilities and the opportunity to keep up with your industry and industry insiders.
  3. Do some kind of paid part-time work.
  4. Keep an accomplishment log of your successes, skill development, and activities.  You are very likely a potentially better employee now than you were then, as you have evolved and matured.
  5. Consistently keep your resume updated.  You might forget these accomplishments when you are interested in going back.

Never totally opt-out.  This is important not only for your future in your career, but also for your sanity, and for the example you will set for your children.

©Copyright 2013.  Kay Fittes.  All Rights Reserved.